Report It – Water & Leaks

Note: IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY OUTSIDE OF OFFICE HOURS a tenant is expected to take remedial action to prevent damage to the property and their personal possessions. Reimbursement of any contractor costs incurred where a tenant has instructed work without prior authorisation will only be considered in cases of genuine emergency for matters which cannot wait. Please be aware that something which although very important to you may not be considered as an emergency.

Leaks – If the leak cannot be contained and/or it is causing damage to the property (especially if it is penetrating into an electrical fitting) it is classified as an Emergency and it must be reported to us through this system and by telephone as soon as possible.

In those circumstances you should turn the water off immediately using the stopcock. If the leak is coming from the above or adjacent property, you must try to contact those occupants immediately. If they are are not available leave a note to contact you.

No Water – If you have NO or limited running water, you should contact your water provider in the first instance to make sure there is no local break in supply. If you water provider advises that there is an issues with the supply in your area, you will need to follow their instructions and keep in touch with your water provider for any updates. If your supplier advises that there are no issues with your water supply in your area, this would be classified High Priority and must be reported through this system AND by telephone.